The Aesthetics of Eating

I wouldn’t cook as much as I do if food wasn’t as beautiful as it is.

Cooking is as much about color as it is about taste.

Cooking and eating are aesthetic experiences.

Even something as simple as toast and jam can be an elevating experience.

Fresh coffee beans, glistening,

ground slowly by hand,

brewed in a French press, the oils still intact, making rainbow bubbles

sweetened by natural sugar cubes.

Oranges in winter,

strawberries in summer.

Fresh, local asparagus,

real bread,

devil root (also known as onion),

fresh, free-range eggs,

and lettuce.

The reasons to enjoy eating are as numerous as

as the seeds in a blackberry.

Published in: on September 29, 2011 at 9:12 am  Comments (1)  

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  1. Beautiful!

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